Expert Counseling & Decision Making
Counseling & Decision Making

Comprehensive counseling enables the student to choose the appropriate specializations & universities that suit to his/her career objectives and on the basis of possibility of admission

Scholarship Opportunities

Guiding qualified students to explore various possible scholarship opportunities

Streamlined Document Preparation & Admission
Document Preparation & Admission

Providing expert guidance in the preparation of application package

Pre-Requisite Exam Guidance
Pre-requisite Exams

Guiding students to attend pre-requisite examinations before the stipulated deadline

Comprehensive Pre - Visa Counseling & Documentation
Pre-Visa Counseling & Documentation

Assistance in the preparation of visa documents in accordance with the latest rules of respective consulate or Embassy

Exposure to Details of the Programme
Exposure to Details of the Programme

Guiding the students to gain exposure to the contents of the programme and the prerequisite knowledge needed


Guiding the students to develop interactions with Alumni wherever possible

Seamless Accommodation & Travel Support
Accommodation & Travel

Support in launching housing application

Foreign Language
Foreign Language

Guiding the students to learn basics of language of the respective country and organizing teachers from respective country to offer language classes if sufficient number of students is gathered

Culture Understanding & Adaptation
Culture Understanding & Adaptation

Creating awareness on climatic conditions, cultural differences to help student to get accustomed to the new environment quickly

Check - list of Materials
Check-list of Materials

Providing students with a check list of materials to be carried keeping in mind the climate, culture and cost.

Our Core Values

Our Core Values